Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa
Dr. Mario Herrero is visiting us | Dr. Mario Herrero from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne is visiting the IFT for the period May 16th to 23rd, 2017. His office number is 301. His research interests are Formal Quantum Field Theory, Generalized gauge invariance, Quantum Gravity, Non-relativistic systems. | ||
SO(IFT) Research Associate Dr. Erik Tonni is visiting us | Dr. Erik Tonni from SISSA, Trieste, is visiting the IFT for the period May 8th to 17th, 2017. His office number is 201. His research interest are: Conformal field theory, entanglement and gauge/gravity correspondence. | ||
SO(IFT) Research Associate Dr. Gerardo Aldazabal is visiting us | Dr. Gerardo Aldazabal from Instituto Balseiro-Centro Atómico Bariloche, Argentina is visiting the IFT for the period May 8th to June 15th, 2017. His office number is 401. His research interests are String Theory, String Phenomenology, Double and Extended Field Theory. | ||
SO(IFT) Research Associate Dr. Maxim Chernodub is visiting us | Dr. Maxim Chernodub from University of Tours, France – CNRS is visiting the IFT for the period April 17th to 21st, 2017. His office number is 401. His current research interests include: Quantum Chromodynamics in strong magnetic field and anomalous transport effects in chiral systems. |
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