
"Intertalentum" program
Kind of offer: 

The Institute of Theoretical Physics IFT CSIC/UAM participates in the "Intertalentum" program offering 9 2-year postdoctoral positions at research centers in the UAM+CSIC Excellence Campus.

Interested candidates should have scientific expertise in the areas of either particle phenomenology, astroparticle physics, nuclear theory, string theory, gravitation and cosmology, lattice and quantum field theory, or quantum information theory.

Applications are directly addressed through the Intertalentum webpage

Contratos Personal Técnico
Kind of offer: 

RESOLUCIÓN de 1 de Febrero de 2016, del Presidente del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, por la que se convoca proceso selectivo para la formalización de contratos para personal técnico con destino en distintos institutos, centros y unidades del CSIC, mediante la modalidad de contrato en prácticas, para la promoción del empleo joven e implantación de la Garantía Juvenilen el marco del Programa Operativo Empleo Juvenil 2014-2020, la Iniciativa de Empleo Juvenil y el Fondo Social Europeo.

PhD positions ITN Elusives
Kind of offer: 

Eleven positions are open to application now in: Univ. Autonoma de Madrid (and/or IFT, Spain), Univ. of Montpellier (CNRS, France), Univ. of Zurich (Switzerland), Heidelberg Univ. (Germany), Univ. of Barcelona (Spain), Univ. of Milano-Bicocca (Italy), Göttingen Univ. (Germany), Univ. of Durham (UK), Karsruhe Institute of Techonology (Germany), Univ. of Valencia/IFIC (Spain), and Univ. Southampton (UK). Most of the positions are to work on particle physics theory/phenomenology, but for a few positions dedicated to experimental physics.

la Caixa - Severo Ochoa International PhD Programme 2016
Kind of offer: 

The Institute for Theoretical Physics UAM-CSIC, Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence, and the Autónoma University of Madrid open two fellowships for exceptional candidates to carry out a PhD thesis at the IFT.

Within its International PhD Programme, "la Caixa" Foundation awards several PhD scholarships to research centres distinguished with the Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence award. The 2016 call envisages providing full support to two such scholarships at the IFT.

Técnico de Proyectos Internacionales 1
Kind of offer: 

Técnico de Proyectos Internacionales

Incorporación inmediata

El plazo de presentación de solicitudes es hasta el 31 de Marzo de 2016.

Técnico de Proyectos Internacionales 2
Kind of offer: 

Técnico de Proyectos Internacionales

El plazo de presentación de solicitudes es hasta el 31 de Marzo de 2016.

Ramón y Cajal (fixed-term faculty)
Kind of offer: 

The IFT expects to have one or more openings for 5-year fixed-term positions under the Ramon y Cajal (RyC) program of the Spanish government. Candidates must apply directly to the Spanish science ministry on Ministry official call.

Deadline: 2016 January 20th 15:00 pm (UTC/GMT + 1 h ).

Notice that the IFT does not handle applications for this RyC program. However, interested candidates can send an expression of interest in the IFT by filling out the following on-line form:

Postdoctoral Positions
Kind of offer: 

The Institute of Theoretical Physics IFT CSIC/UAM welcomes applications to postdoctoral positions, starting October 2016, under various government-funded programs:

- SO(IFT) postdocs, funded by the Severo Ochoa Excellence Grant. Offering one / two positions.

- ERC-SPLE postdocs. Luis Ibáñez ERC Advanced Grant project "String Phenomenology in the LHC Era'' .

Particle Physics in the LHC era'
Kind of offer: 

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position at the Department of Theoretical Physics of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and the the Instituto de Física Teórica UAM-CSIC funded by the project "Particle Physics in the LHC era''.

Call for SO FPI and ERC SPLE predoctoral positions
Kind of offer: 

Secretaria de Estado de InvestigaciónERC

There is a new opening for pre-doctoral grants to carry out a PhD thesis at the IFT. Four positions will be available associated to the Severo Ochoa Excellence Grant to develop a thesis in one of the strategic research lines of the IFT, and one position in string phenomenology associated to the ERC Advanced Grant SPLE. Candidates are expected to carry out a PhD in one of the strategic research lines of the IFT, which include particle phenomenology, astroparticle physics, nuclear theory, string theory, gravitation and cosmology, lattice and quantum field theory, and quantum information theory. They should have an excellent academic track record, and are expected to hold an academic degree that grants access to a PhD program at the time of formalisation of the contract.

The deadline for applications is June 29, 2015, at 15:00.
