
Dr. Anastassios Vladikas is visiting us Dr. Anastassios Vladikas from INFN Roma Tor Vergata is visiting the IFT for the period April 11th to 15th, 2016. His office number is 316. His research interests are Flavour Physics, lattice QCD, renormalization and improvement of lattice Field Theory and numerical simulations.
SO(IFT) Distinguished Prof. Lev Lipatov is visiting us Prof. Lev Lipatov from Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute is visiting the IFT for the period April 4th to 22nd, 2016, as distinguished Severo Ochoa visiting professor. His office number is 304. Prof. Lipatov´s contributions have been essential for the development of the theory of strong interactions. His results on deep inelastic scattering and the Pomeranchuk singularity, leading to the DGLAP and BFKL equations, have opened the path towards a quantitative understanding of high-energy processes in Quantum Chromodynamics. He has been awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Prize in 1995 and the International Pomeranchuk prize in 2001. He has been Marie Curie Chair of Excellence in the University of Hamburg from 2006 to 2009 and Scholar of the Mortimer and Raymond Sackler Institute of Advanced Studies from 2009 to 2010. He chairs the Theory Department of St. Petersburg's Nuclear Physics Institute and is a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
SO(IFT) Research Associate Dr. Anatoly Klypin is visiting us Dr. Anatoly Klypin from New Mexico State University is visiting the IFT for the period from March 16th to June 30th, 2016. His office number is 103. His research interests are cosmology and extragalactic astronomy with the emphasis on cosmological simulations.
Dr. Sergio Hörtner is visiting us Dr. Sergio Hörtner from Centro de Estudios Científicos, Chile, is visiting the IFT for the period March 10th to April 8th, 2016. His office number is 214. His current research interests include: hidden symmetries and dualities in gravity and supergravity, higher spin theory, gauge theory of extended objects, quantum properties of black holes and flavor physics.


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