
Dr. Isabel Campos is visiting us Dr. Isabel Campos from Instituto de Física de Cantabria – IFCA is visiting the IFT for the period October 26th to December 31st, 2015. Her office number is 205. Her research interests include: High Performance Computing applied to HEP, in particular Lattice QCD simulations.
SO(IFT) Research Associate Dr. Sven Heinemeyer is visiting us Dr. Sven Heinemeyer from Instituto de Física de Cantabria - IFCA is visiting the IFT for the period October 26th to December 31st, 2015. His office number is 305. His research interests are: Phenomenology of the SM and the MSSM at present and future colliders, indirect tests of the SM and the MSSM via electroweak precision observables and other precision data, the Higgs boson sector as a probe of Supersymmetry and Dark Matter and its implications for SUSY
Dr. Elizabeth Jenkins is visiting us Dr. Elizabeth Jenkins from University of California, San Diego is visiting the IFT for the period October 1st to 30th, 2015. Her office number is 404. Her research interests include: symmetries in Quantum Field Theory, Higgs boson physics, Standard Model physics, neutrino physics and cosmology.
Dr. Aneesh Manohar is visiting us Dr. Aneesh Manohar from University of California, San Diego is visiting the IFT for the period September 30th to October 31st, 2015. His office number is 111. His research interests include: Effective Field Theories, Higgs physics, QCD.


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